Hi AeroGear user community.
I have just begun the installation process and am having a difficult time of it. I am hoping there are users that have been down this road who can offer a helpful word or two to get me started sending push notifications to may awesome app.
I have Wildfly installed and working on Windows 10 - I have other projects up and using MySQL successfully.
I have been trying to follow the installation instructions at https://aerogear.org/docs/unifiedpush/ups_userguide/index/
The steps seem to be intended for Unix users. Some of the files, I cannot find in the bundle, like jms-setup-wildfly.cli
There also seems to be a presumption that installer us is using maven - not necessarily the case.
If you have snippets of your standalone.xml for the database and jms configuration - maybe that would be helpful.
Thanks - I'd really like to get running and using the UI for configuration.