my name is Federico, I wrote some time ago for a crash scenario and tyou were very helpful. Hope I’ll be so lucky again. I’m still a beginner in cross platform app development and I am using aerogear cordova push plugin (together with Ionic 1 and Angular 1) to enable reception of push notification. Here follows my little trouble.

My customer asked me to modify, if possible, app behavior in push notification handling, especially on iOS devices. He’s explaining me he finds too many push notifications after a long period of inactivity (notification are sent by a backend job each hour) and that he would like the app to handle only the last one. I don’t know if it’s possible, working on client code, to ask my app to avoid to show a push if some others have already come without being effectively handled (if you think it’s possible and you could suggest me a way, I would appreciate it very much). The best solution I am able to image is to use the onNotification() function in my angular code to make another server call, just to tell the exact time oh push notification handling. It will be after a backend trouble to decide, known which users have received a push and when eventually the same users have handled it, if it will send them another notification.

Hope I have been clear describing my solution (and maybe it was not so important) but the main point is: can you tell me if there’s some useful approach (maybe using some configuration of server AAerogear) to avoid sending many push to the same user/client if he has not handled them? Or even, can you tell me if the user can handle one push for all, on a iOS device? (On Android devices I would have tried to manipulate java classes for PushHandlerActivity and NotificationMeassgeHandler). This could be very helpful for me.

I have you will have a nice weekend.