On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 8:15 AM, Nixad Smith <nixadsmith@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks for your response.
One of our requirement is the client to be independent of the push server (as the notification would be coming for GCM/APNS etc) so we decided to go with phonegap. 
Could this be a bug at the push server? Because I do not get the notification when there is no criteria

if no criteria is present we auto register the client on a FCM topic:

So, that's why - becuase PhoneGab does not do that. It's a feature of the UPS and it's SDKs.
set but I get the notification when I provide the variantid or alias  or device type.

correct, these things are excluded, and not handled via GCM/FCM topics, see:

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