On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 10:02 AM, Yoann Archambault <ya@sherpa-solutions.com> wrote:
We are using the following ios and android libraries:

AeroGear iOS 1.2.0
aerogear-android-core: 2.1.0
aerogear-android-pipe: 2.1.0
aerogear-android-push: 2.2.2

Unfortunately we don't have any public repos. Will try to extract the relevant bits and post here

So one of the things to be aware of is that Wildfly supports http keep-alive.  The Android library calls disconnect on the http connections after a metrics read, registration, etc which is supposed to disconnect the  http session.  You can disable keep-alive for the Android application by setting the system property  "http.keepAlive" to false.  Additionally you may disable keep alive in Wildfly.

If you get a chance to test this please let us know what you discover.

Sherpa RTLS Solutions inc.

Yoann Archambault
Backend Lead Developer

Sherpa RTLS Solutions inc. 
 514 360 3346
 514 635 6298

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 3:00 PM, Summers Pittman <supittma@redhat.com> wrote:

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 1:10 PM, Yoann Archambault <ya@sherpa-solutions.com> wrote:

We migrated to Aerogear recently and now that our app is live, we are seeing 1000s of established TCP connections coming from our devices (Average of 1.5 connection per remote IP).

I would expect the SDK to create a connection to register and the close it. Same for the "opened" metrics request.

I've had to increase the maximum number of opened file descriptors for the wildfly user but i don't see this as a proper long term solution.

Or am i missing something and somehow this is the expected behavior?

This isn't expected behavior.  Do you have a public repository we can take a look at?  We've never seen this behavior before.

- Aerogear server version is 1.1.3.Final
- Although i am unable to confirm 100%, i think this issue happens on both ios and android SDKs.

What version of the client SDKs are you using?

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