
Thank you for your interest! The studio.apicurio.io is a demo site. It is pretty stable and it's unlikely we suddenly delete the data but it can happen, for example, if we decide to upgrade it to a newer version.
If you have a small short-term project, it should be ok to use, but we don't recommend using it for anything important or long-term,
as we don't provide any SLAs.


On Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 10:11 AM Yevhenii Hyzyla <y.hyzyla@smartweb.com.ua> wrote:
Hi, I have recently found Apicurio Studio and is excited about the rich functionality of this tool. As I understand the preferred way to use Apicrio Studio is self-host on my own servers. But then what status of studio hosted on studio.apicur.io Can I use this for a real projects as fully functional SaaS, or it's just a demo site that can be flushed in any time?
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Jakub Senko

Software Engineer, Integration Middleware

Red Hat

Brno, Czechia (UTC+2)
