As community member I found this doc quite usefull

On Tue, 1 Mar 2022, 16:50 Jan Galinski, <> wrote:

we are starting evaluation of the apicurio registry. We will be using avro-schema and want to serialize to avro single-object-encoded (byteArray that contains a long-fingerprint to identify the schema).
This means that we will need a reliable way to query by the fingerprintId.
Can I use the globalId for this?  When I upload the schema file via web-ui, the globalId is just based on a sequence, but it seems I would be able to update the metaData of this schema, so I could replace the globalId with an avro fingerprint.

Is globalId the correct field? What is the difference to the contentId?

Why are properties stored as key/value map, but queried as List<String>?

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