

I have the following setup:


Ping server -> external https url  (something like https://pingfederate.mydomain.com) – through an apache reverse proxy. Real server is pingfederate001.internal.com.

APIman  -> external https url (something like https://apiman.mydomain.com) through ab apache reverse proxy. Real server is apiman001.internal.com.


I am trying to replace keycloak with ping federate in APIMan.  I have

-          Disabled the integrated Keycloak.

-          Changed the <kc:auth-server-url>https://pingfederate.mydomain.com/as/token.oauth2</kc:auth-server-url>


However, when I access I see the following as the redirect – which is clearly wrong:



with the following parameters:





I looked the code for the keycloak plugin but can’t seem to see where the redirect is generated or set. I assume it is some additional properties or settings that I have to do or change code for so I can generate a Ping friendly redirect url etc.


Appreciate any help or any pointers.




Amit Joshi

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