This is a very strange problem.  I'll add some technical info to this discussion in case it helps.

The "pd_templates" table stores potentially multiple html templates for displaying the *summary* of a configured instance of a policy.  It can store multiple templates by language - this is basically an  i18n feature.  In practice, we only really have English language versions, so there should only be one row in that table for each row in the "policydefs" table.  The "policydefs" table should have one row per policy definition (basically one row for each item in the Policy Type drop-down when adding a new policy to an API).

The ORM class for the pd_templates table is here:

And the policy definition ORM bean is here:

This sounds like hibernate making a mess of things (or more likely my mis-understanding of something hibernate is doing).  It's one of the reasons I'm on the fence about ORM technologies in general.  They can be so helpful, but if you wrote your own SQL statements you'd never have a weird issue like this.

In any case, at this point I have no theory about how this could be happening.

I assume your "policydefs" table is sensible.  So the question is why hibernate would be duplicating the data in "pd_templates", especially when doing a simple GET of the information (shouldn't be mutating anything!).

Could try enabling SQL logging in hibernate to see what's going on.

But of course trying to replicate the problem locally is always the best approach. :)


On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 7:49 AM, Marc Savy <> wrote:
Hi Andy,

Can you describe how your API, ClientApp & Plan is set up?


API = [Keycloak OAuth2 Policy]
Plan = [<nothing>]
ClientApp = [Header Policy]


On 2 June 2017 at 12:20, Andy Yar <> wrote:
> Oh, sorry I missed version info.
> psql (PostgreSQL) 9.4.12
> JDBC connector - PostgreSQL 9.4.1212
> Apiman 1.2.9.Final
> CentOS7
> Oracle Java 1.8.0_111
> No export/import was done prior this issue.
> I can say I've been observed slower and slower responses during
> operation with the Manager OAuth related pages.
> The trigger action seems to be a GET on a URL pattern like this:
> apimanui/api-manager/orgs/MyOrg/plans/MyOrgKeycloakOAuth/1/policies/1155
> Resulting screen loads a policy config scheme from Keycloak OAuth
> Plugin and displays it. It also generates N^2 new rows in
> pd_templates. I've observed 16, 32, 64, 128 and then 256 added new
> rows...
> Thanks
> On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 12:26 PM, Marc Savy <> wrote:
>> Hi Andy,
>> I spent time yesterday evening trying to replicate this after our chat
>> on IRC, but I haven't been able to trigger it. Perhaps with more
>> information we can narrow this down.
>> Which version of Postgres are you using? Which driver version?
>> I've been using: Postgres 9.6.2, Driver 42.1.1, apiman 1.3.0.Final
>> (should be same as 1.2.9.Final for this).
>> Have you done any export-import?
>> Have you observed the precise action that corresponds with the
>> extraneous pd_templates entries being inserted?
>> Regards,
>> Marc
>> On 2 June 2017 at 08:05, Andy Yar <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Keycloak OAuth plugin's presence generates a certain amount of records
>>> to pd_templates table on each action of Apiman Manager related to a
>>> Keycloak OAuth policy (even read-only ones like listing a plan's
>>> policies, etc.).
>>> Over time the number of records in pd_templates table can grow to
>>> milions resulting in Apiman Manager OoM exceptions. Given these
>>> records are basically just text hints it is really funny.
>>> A workaround is to periodically dedup the records.
>>> I guess this issue should be an easy fix.
>>> Affected version is: Apiman 1.2.9.Final + corresponding Keycloak OAuth plugin.
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