
Which versions of apiman, ES and Grafana are you using? Was trying to reproduce your issue but the latest Grafana OOTB only supports ES 2.x, seemingly.


On 16 January 2017 at 07:01, pal rawat <palrawat@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Apiman Team,

I am Devops with a startup Project. Need ur help.

We have apiman that is storing data in Elastic Search. We have Grafana, that is using ElasticSearch as data source.One of the variable in apiman is resource [ "resource" : {
            "type" : "string"] The resource values are like "/token/refresh", so when I trying to parse/execute calucaiton this resource type, its displaying it as two different values like token one and refresh another, that is wrong. I need it to as single "/token/refresh".

I know about data collector like logstash, where one can declare them as data type URIPARAM, that can fix the problem. But not sure here.

May I request you to please help me.

Best Regards

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