
Finally, I have been able to finish to develop a demo/lab (step by step guide) covering Apiman/Keycloak to secure Apache Camel REST Endpoints according to different scenari deployed within JBoss Fuse.

The project is available here : https://github.com/FuseByExample/rest-dsl-in-action#security-governance-with-apiman--keycloak

Some info about the project :

- Expose CRUD REST Services using the new Apache Camel REST DSL Syntax
- Upload data from a CSV file to create blog articles using camel bindy component and ElasticSearch Service
- Collect the data received (= JSon Blog Article) and save the data using the insight-eleasticsearch no sql database available with JBoss Fuse Fabric
- Display the data and query them using the Kibana Web Dashboard - https://github.com/FuseByExample/rest-dsl-in-action/blob/master/images/dashboard4.png
- Document the REST Services using Swagger API - https://github.com/FuseByExample/rest-dsl-in-action/blob/master/images/swagger1.png
- Authenticate and authorize the incoming HTTP requests using ApiMan (Security Management Platform) according to these use cases; No authentication (pass through), Basic Authentication - https://github.com/FuseByExample/rest-dsl-in-action/blob/master/readme.adoc#use-case---basic-authentication, Oauth2 Authentication, Oauth2 & Role based - https://github.com/FuseByExample/rest-dsl-in-action/blob/master/readme.adoc#use-case---add-roles

Your remarks and comments are welcome

Charles Moulliard
Principal Solution Architect / JBoss Fuse Expert - Global Enablement @redhat
cmoulliard@redhat.com | work: +31 205 65 12 84 | mobile: +32 473 604 014
MC-Square Business "Stockholm", Leonardo Da Vincilaan 19, Diegem 1831 - Belgium
twitter: @cmoulliard | blog: cmoulliard.github.io
committer: apache camel, karaf, servicemix, hawtio, fabric8, drools, jbpm, deltaspike