GitHub is back up.  Here is the code (when running the servlet version of the gateway, not the vert.x version) that reads the inbound HTTP request headers, copying them into the ApiRequest bean:

The only header that gets skipped is X-API-Version.


On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 10:04 AM, Eric Wittmann <> wrote:
That's very interesting because I don't believe Apiman is stripping out any headers from the request (at any point).  If that's happening I can't think of what the root cause might be.  IIRC we just copy all request headers from the inbound HttpServletRequest into the ApiRequest bean.

GitHub is currently down so I can't send a link to the relevant code.... 

On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 11:16 PM, Stephen Henrie <> wrote:

I have Apiman running in an openshift environment, which is essentially a similar configuration to running in kubernetes. Each container/pod is always receiving http/s requests through an HA Proxy server, so that the x-forwarded-* set of headers get added to each request by the proxy server.

Unfortunately, it appears that the headers which are provided in the ApiRequet bean when the policy chain processor doApply() method is called does not include these proxy related headers.  This means that the standard policies for the IP white and black listing policies do not work when the apiman gateway is behind a proxy server.  The request.getRemoteAddr() method returns the ip address to the proxy server, so there is no way to get the ip address of the originator since the x-forwarded-for header ( and related headers ) are not found.

Has anyone else experienced this?  If so, is this by design?



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