Apiman is purely an open source project, and as such does not offer commercial support. Red Hat's business model is to create subscription based, commercially supported products based on open source upstream projects such as apiman.
To that end, we were actively working towards creating a supported product based on apiman. However, recently Red Hat acquired the API Management company 3scale, which has resulted in a change of product direction. You can read more here if you haven't yet:
We are currently working through how best to combine our efforts (3scale and apiman) in a way that best supports both communities. I should have some more specifics for the apiman community soon (hopefully next week).
Of course it goes without saying that the apiman team is incredibly grateful for the wonderful open source community that has grown up around the project, and we are committed to supporting it as best we can.
On 7/15/2016 8:19 AM, Tomas Žuklys wrote:
As far as I know, Red Hat does not provide commercial support for APIMAN.
Is any kind of commercial support possible for current APIMAN?
Best regards,
Tomas Zuklys
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