That sounds like metrics are going wrong, or perhaps you're misinterpreting it  (adding Eric). 

When you say your API returns an error, does it still return an appropriate non-200 error code at the HTTP level? For instance, 500 or similar? That's very important.

There's a difference between an error and a failure - have you checked both of those fields to see whether they contain the information you're expecting to see.

Certainly in my experience we *do* collect the metrics you're talking about, unless I'm misunderstanding you. 

On 2 February 2017 at 17:40, Balu S <> wrote:
Hi Marc,

I shall explain my use case. From our API call, we return error response (in XML or JSON)  for 401, 500 and so on. However, Apiman metrics seems to just consider them as good response (it is, as Apiman received the response back) and show as successful response. So I have made custom policy to intercept the response to know if it is failure and trigger the Policy Failure. This is fairly simple and straight forward as the response code will just do the purpose. But I want also to add some additional information about the failure to Policy Failure. This additional information is in the original error response which will be lost once doFailure() happens. And no we don't want to those additional information in some HTTP headers to pass around. Hence I implemented responseHandler() to handle the response buffer and like you pointed out, it seems to be too late to meddle the response. 

So ideally, there are possible 2 solution

   - Apiman metrics can interpret the response as unsuccessful for such error response from API call.
   - Handle the response buffer data before the write() call to response outputstream.

Do you see any alternative solution? 


On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 6:15 PM, Marc Savy <> wrote:

- Apiman streams data, so the client may be receiving data already by the time you've determined you want to cancel (the connection is already established; headers have been sent) - it's often too late to gracefully cancel. You could try throwing an exception and seeing what happens (not recommended practice!).

If that doesn't work, perhaps you can explain your use-case more clearly and explicitly so we can see what the alternatives are?

- Policies are *static* instances, if you are assigning that buffer to the object then it's as if you were writing "static Buffer  buffer" and different requests will all share that variable (and thus swap it out repeatedly!).


On 2 February 2017 at 16:56, Balu S <> wrote:
I'm trying to parse the response using responseDataHandler() in the custom policy. In cases, if the response from API is of certain content, I would like the Apiman to consider as failure. But I don't find a way to throw policy failure from responseDataHandler(). And I cannot achieve this in doApply() as the ApiResponse object does not have "content" to parse. 

Also, what I found is write(chunk) in the AbstractStream is called after doApply, so I cannot set any attributes in it to fetch it in doApply() and trigger doFailure().

For example, in below call, how to throw as policy failure after parsing the contents ? Or how can I access response content even before write() method.

    protected IReadWriteStream<ApiResponse> responseDataHandler(ApiResponse response,
            IPolicyContext context, URLRewritingConfig policyConfiguration) {
        if (policyConfiguration.isProcessResponseBody()) {
            return new URLRewritingStream(context.getComponent(IBufferFactoryComponent.class), response,
                    policyConfiguration.getFromRegex(), policyConfiguration.getToReplacement());
        } else {
            return null;

     * @see
    public void write(IApimanBuffer chunk) {
        if (buffer == null) {
            buffer = bufferFactory.cloneBuffer(chunk);
        } else {
        atEnd = false;

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