Thanks Eric for your reply! makes sense...

I tried to use the two CURL commands. 

GET worked and I was able to see the end point being used. 
curl -XGET http://localhost:19200/apiman_gateway/service/prism:osa:1.0/_source

But the PUT failed as below..

curl -XPUT http://localhost:19200/apiman_gateway/service/prism:osa:1.0/_source -d '{"endpoint":"http://NEW_URL","endpointType":"rest","publicService":false,"organizationId":"prism","serviceId":"osa","version":"1.0","endpointProperties":[],"policies":[]}'

No handler found for uri [/apiman_gateway/service/prism:osa:1.0/_source] and method [PUT]

Thanks again for your time


On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 11:26 AM, Eric Wittmann <> wrote:
Hi Sanjay, thanks for the questions.

Currently there is no easy way to update the backend implementation endpiont URL without creating a new version of the service.

However, if this is a one-off sort of thing then you may be able to get it done.  It depends mostly on what configuration you are using.  But I'll explain based on the most recent 1.1.x release (1.1.9.Final) with its default configuration.

The Manager and Gateway are decoupled, resulting in the duplication of *some* of the data (including the endpoint URL).  So when you "publish" a service from the Manager, the Gateway is given information about the service.  This information is stored in the Gateway's "registry".  By default the registry implementation is elasticsearch.  So if you wanted to change the endpoint URL for a service, you would need to update that information in your Database (you did this) *and* in elasticsearch.

It's actually not that difficult to update the information in elasticsearch.  You'll need to find the correct record and then update it.  If you're using the default installation, then ES is running on port 19200.  If you want to change the following service:

Organization:  Example
Service ID:    MyService
Version:       1.0

Then you might do something like this:

curl -XGET http://localhost:19200/apiman_gateway/service/Example:MyService:1.0/_source

You could then take that JSON result, modify the bits you want to change, and then update it like so (as an example - please replace the JSON below with the JSON you get back from the GET above):

curl -XPUT http://localhost:19200/apiman_gateway/service/Example:MyService:1.0 -d '
  "endpoint" : "http://UPDATED-ENDPOINT-HERE",
  "endpointType" : "rest",
  "publicService" : true,
  "organizationId" : "Example",
  "serviceId": "MyService",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "endpointProperties": [],

Once this is done you'll have to restart apiman so that the Gateway picks up the changes.

Note: we are making some changes in apiman 1.2.x that will make all of this easier under some circumstances.  In particular, as of apiman 1.2.0.Final you will be able to re-publish "Public" services (now called APIs).  So if the API is public then you can simply make changes and then republish those changes to the Gateway.  If the API is *not* public then the current semantics are the same:  you cannot make changes and republish because that may violate contracts that consumers have made with your API.


On 12/29/2015 12:19 PM, Sanjay Melinamani wrote:
Hi All,
I am using APIMAN 1.1.9 and for an existing API that I have published to
consumers, I like to change its backend implementation end point URL
without changing the API service version.
I updated the backend implementation URL in database table
"service_versions". I can see the updated URL from UI but still the
gateway is using the old implementation URL specified.
Does it cache the implementation URL once the service is published ? Is
there anyway I can update  the implementation URL for an existing service?

Appreciate your time and help.


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