<lfryc> since there are race conditions when requesting the page immediatelly after initial page load
<lfryc> browser requests HTML, then it loads favicon.ico, images, scripts, css, etc.
<lfryc> that's the time when we expect AJAX request, but request for those evil resources come
<lfryc> so it's time to define smart filters which decides what request to enrich
<aslak> client multi threads the resource request ?
<lfryc> but it can't be written generally enough, since you can't simply map request URL to content-type or so
<lfryc> yeah, browsers usually loads up to 5 resources at time
<lfryc> it is not issue with htmlunit (that's why unit tests pass just fine)
<lfryc> but real browsers have cause issues
<aslak> lfryc, you can't look at the accept header ?
<lfryc> aslak: it's not silver-bullet
<lfryc> browser may not need to send that header
<aslak> true
<lfryc> I think we have two options:
<lfryc> 1) smart heuristics
<lfryc> 2) framework-dependent filters
<aslak> you have control over the proxy, so you should be able to sync up at that level how ever you want it
<lfryc> you mean I can force client to send accept-header?
<aslak> lfryc, hehe no, as in race conditions i mean
<lfryc> race condition - I mean, request fighting in what will be enriched
<aslak> lfryc, you could in theory throttle the request
<aslak> aa ok
<aslak> there should be multiple types of filters.. accept headers, url pattern etc
<lfryc> hmm but browsers usually sents correct accept-headers for images/icons/etc.
<lfryc> for resource types they know what to expect
<aslak> depending on the use case, not all will work. if browsers don't sent accept headers, that filter migh tbe more useful in a REST request
<lfryc> yes, we could provide multiple types of filters
<lfryc> thinkinga bout framework-specific and smart ones
<lfryc> user may decide which to use for given use case
<aslak> yea
<lfryc> use the most appropriate one for the use case
<lfryc> and choose/configure default one in arquillian.xml
<aslak> i think you can provide in warp core http based filters
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<aslak> i guess that would be, request content, url and headers
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<lfryc> that's going to be huge
<lfryc> and then framework specific filters, which can be easier to use
<aslak> where does arq.xml come in?
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<lfryc> configure defaults
<lfryc> like, I want to use JSF filter with FacesServlet mapping on /xyz
<aslak> default what? fitler ?
<lfryc> yep
<lfryc> when no filter specified, default can be used
<aslak> arn't filters on a .execute() level ?
<lfryc> yep, they are
<lfryc> oh, no, they are on the proxy level
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<aslak> ok, so basically via arq.xml you can say that only ever enrich jsf requests in this suite, what ever i might be calling
<lfryc> which is on client-side
<lfryc> but evaluated after client action
<aslak> lfryc, sure, but i mean you don't need global filters. the individual .execute methods would define them
<aslak> (not saying you can't have global)
<lfryc> yes, but main use case for Warp is verifying request pages
<aslak> eh, to rephrase.. a Filter is active from .execute start til end
<lfryc> not resources
<lfryc> so global might be handy
<lfryc> but still you can define per Warp execution
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<aslak> and it work now based on just selecting the first request within the execute block
<lfryc> yep
<lfryc> first come, first served
<aslak> so unless you wanted to enrich resources, you could really just split up the requests in two executes
<lfryc> yep
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<aslak> HTTP filters should work with Resources and AJax request, by either headers or url
<aslak> a JSF filter would basically be a URL filter no?
<lfryc> yes, it will be URL pattern filter
<aslak> yea
<aslak> what was the issue ?
<aslak> known how to filter?
<aslak> or the browser doing multi threaded requests that potentially create multiple enriched requests ?
<lfryc> know what reuqest to filter
<lfryc> know what to filter because browser may request pages/resources in parallel
<aslak> does the parallel matter ?
<lfryc> it matters, because without filtering, you can't choose what request to enrich/verify
<lfryc> so you can either enrich first or enrich all
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<lfryc> when enriching all requests, you can always wait for response and then decide on the content-type basis
<lfryc> but considering each such Warp-enriched request can have side-effects
<lfryc> ...it's very fragile solution then
<lfryc> thus we need to filter requests
<lfryc> and enriched only right-ones
<lfryc> we could also check if there are no parallel requests which would match defined filter
<lfryc> and if so, report a issue
<lfryc> DefineExactFiltersDudeException: hey man, in certain conditions, there might be more requests triggered by given client action
<aslak> we can't handle two enriched requests at once ?
<lfryc> we can
<lfryc> yeah, we can
<aslak> it would be useful
<lfryc> then it should be declared explicitly I think..
<lfryc> do you have some use case in mind?
<lfryc> I consider that anti-pattern
<aslak> some kind of server side resource processing
<lfryc> that should be two separated tests then
<aslak> mm.. that could be..
<aslak> the html generate two child request for 'images'. you want to verify that the image alg work server side
<lfryc> or you could define two various filters in one Warp execution
<aslak> RF.url(".*jpg')
<lfryc> yeah, then you need to use URL pattern and hard-code the image name
<lfryc> for first/second image
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<aslak> lfryc, if you can use the same ServerAssertion object.. not sure why you have to define the enrichment twice
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<lfryc> the outcome will be two ServerAssertions
<lfryc> from two responses
<lfryc> since Warp is now resource-oriented
<lfryc> sorry, request-oriented
<aslak> lfryc, let's say for what ever reason, i want to assert that a log entry in the database is entered when i generate a resource. i do .execute wit hfilter /*generated/*jpg', in the ServerAssertion object i inject the PersistenceContext and the HttpRequest and check that the correct log line is there. for all images in that request
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<lfryc> right, that's valid use case
<aslak> warp could even optionally return a 'status' object, telling me how many filters were executed, which requests where enriched etc
<lfryc> right now, we return the clone of ServerAssertion provided
<lfryc> but we could actually write properties of the bean back to the original
<lfryc> and return the status
<lfryc> (instead of assertion bean)
<aslak> could do similar to jpa, getSingleResult or getList
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<aslak> if you know you will only have one ServerAssertion hit/enrichment, you can use getSingleResult, if you have a pattern that match multiple, use getList() which will contain all matches
<aslak> not cloning the ServerAssertion would get tricky in the multiple hit case
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<lfryc> yep
<lfryc> WarpStatus verifies(ServerAssertion);
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<aslak> WarpStatus status = Warp.execute(ClientAction).filters(RF...).verify(ServerAssertion)
<aslak> status.getAssertion|getAssertions|getFilterMatches
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<aslak> hmm.. would we need multiple ServerAssertions based on filters
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<aslak> .execute(CA).group().filters(".jsf").verify(SA_1).group(...).filters(".jpg").verify(SA_2)