I was attempting to respond to this yesterday, but apparently my message never got sent and the draft was lost.  :/  While I like the idea of using EL, I feel we will be stepping into a minefield of backwards compatibility issues.  Consider "order total exceeds ${budget}".  Is this a BV 1.0 message template with a literal dollar sign and a parameter "budget" or a (proposed) BV 1.1 template with an embedded EL?  The same consideration applies if we use #{} (I would recommend we accept either one).  This might be addressed with an optional (for BC) annotation parameter, but 1) it seems to step on the toes of the MessageInterpolator interface, and 2) it requires the user to specify how his message is defined.  I suppose we could define some alternate trigger and translate it before sending to EL, but this seems a bit less than ideal as well.


On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 5:05 AM, Hardy Ferentschik <hardy@hibernate.org> wrote:

On 11 Jan 2012, at 2:52 PM, Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel@hibernate.org> wrote:

> I did a quick look at the Expression Language JSR and that might be enough for what we want to do. We could simply delegate message interpolation to the EL engine. It has the ternary operator which would offer what we need for DecimalMin / Max messages.
> Can someone dive into this approach to see of that is indeed doable and how much work we need to do in the specification?

I can have a look on how this could look like.


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