On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 11:10 AM, Gunnar Morling <gunnar@hibernate.org> wrote:
For reference, that's the question:

> One of the most common scenarios with date/time types (applies to ranges of all types 
> though) is to have a start and end property for which start must be (sometimes equal or) 
> greater than now and end must be (sometimes equal or) greater than start. Are we not 
> supporting this somehow?

There is no explicit support for this in the spec. Currently you'd have to write your custom class-level constraint for this sort of cross-field validation (or use something as @ScriptAssert from the RI).

I think my team was using class-level constraints for that before :-(
I definitely see how it's a sore point.

It is. It would be really nice to support this, probably for any pair of Comparables. What do you think?
