Hi Gunnar,

Here the procedure to find the result:

1. Quick and dirty

copy this url and rellace the class name in the result page


2. Step by step

You can go here:


You should search the full class name of the annotation, ex. : javax.validation.constraints.NotNull

You can set the language to Java. After you execute the query you can filter only the results in 'Code'.

Like this you can find where an annotation class is imported.


At every execution the result change 5-10%, it's absolutely not scientific (I don't know how it works their index and search) but you can get an idea of the usage of some classes.



On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 12:15 PM, Gunnar Morling <gunnar@hibernate.org> wrote:
Hi Marco,

Nice research! Out of curiosity, how did you get these numbers?

Historically, the spec stayed on the conservative end in terms of built-in constraints. @NotEmpty etc. can quite easily be implemented or even just be composed based on other built-in constraints. But the numbers you shared indeed indicate some usefulness of adding at least some.

Would be interesting to know what others think?



2016-08-22 20:32 GMT+02:00 Hendrik Ebbers <hendrik.ebbers@me.com>:

Am 22.08.2016 um 19:37 schrieb Marco Molteni <moltenma@gmail.com>:

Hi all,

It would be possible to add some built-in constraints to the V 2.0?

@NotBlank, @NotEmpty, @Length are used very often in projects, they are already present in Hibernate Validator and their implementation is well defined.

What do you think?

Here a list of the most used constraint for GitHub's projects (the numbers change at every request but you get the idea. HV = Hibernate Validator, BV = Bean Validation):

189'143 - BV - NotNull
 56'902 - BV - Size
 39'551 - HV - NotEmpty <-
 20'687 - HV - NotBlank <-
 17'735 - BV - Pattern
 16'763 - HV - Email
 16'033 - BV - Min
 12'769 - HV - Length <-
  7'806 - BV - Digits
  4'982 - BV - Max
  4'971 - BV - Past
  3'598 - BV - DecimalMin
  2'753 - BV - AssertTrue
  2'379 - BV - DecimalMax
  2'308 - BV - Future
  1'999 - HV - Range
  1'497 - HV - URL
< 1'000 other constraints




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