Thanks guys. Especially the already discussed topic really helped me the see points. I am glad that at least I have one working solution but maybe finalizing discussed topics would be great. We rely on more and more Bean Validation by utilizing extensive database connections. Alternatives to XML binding -  personally believe that it is a little bid error prone - will be inevitable after the wide adaption of the bean validation among frameworks such as Spring, Guice etc. Definitely having a simpler way for seperating constraint annotation and constraint validation into the modules will be mandatory. Despite of a great summary for possible solutions by Emmanuel, It can be great to revisit this topic.



On 27 May 2012 13:44, Gunnar Morling <> wrote:

If I understand you correctly, your question is related to the cyclic
dependency between constraint annotations and constraint validators.

As of BV 1.0 I don't see another way than using an XML constraint
mapping as already suggested by Matt and Hardy.

There was a discussion on the subject within the EG a while ago [1],
but we didn't really come to a conclusion back then. One idea was to
employ the service loader mechanism to contribute validator
implementations [2]. I still think that's quite promising.



2012/5/25 Cemo <>:
> Hi,
> I am not sure is this already discussed or not but currently I believe that
> validation spec is very strict about coupling.
> For example at interface level validator is declared by Interface.
> @Constraint(validatedBy = EmailValidator.class)
> @Retention(RUNTIME)
> public @interface Email
> And for the part EmailValidation part, we are referring again our Email
> Interface
> public class EmailValidator implements ConstraintValidator<Email, String>
> What I think is this contract is little tight. And because of the strict
> contract, splitting validation by its interface is not possible.
> And let me to clarify my use case too.
> I have splitted my domain, validation and web projects (Web1, Web2, Web3)
> and using spring extensively.
> Domain (Has no dependency)
> Validation (Has dependency to validation spec and optionally Spring
> Framework. For example, It can validate an uniqueEmail field by checking
> database. )
> Web's (Has dependency to validation and domain)
> My domain needs dependency to validation for validating it but it means also
> depending spring and all other stuffs regarding Database validations. What I
> want to split Validation contract to interfaces and implementations.
> Interfaces could be declared at domain and implementations reside at
> validation module. Validation module has a dependency to domain perfectly.
> I have checked builtin constraints implementations but it seems there is not
> any extensible points for it.
> What are your suggestions for this situation?
> Thanks
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