
I recommend to use RVM (https://rvm.io/) and then what's called a "gemset" for the dependencies of this specific project. I found that very helpful to keep different Ruby versions and dependencies of different project separated.

From the output you posted it seems bundler is missing. Install it via "gem install bundler". And then "rake setup[local]".

Just let me know if you have further problems with it.


2016-09-15 14:48 GMT+02:00 Hendrik Ebbers <hendrik.ebbers@me.com>:
Hi all,

any idea how to install rake on a mac. Based on the readme for the bean validation.org repo I ended in this:

Hendriks-MacBook-Pro-2:beanvalidation.org hendrikebbers$ rake check
/Users/hendrikebbers/git/beanvalidation.org/Rakefile:105: warning: Insecure world writable dir /usr/local in PATH, mode 040777
Bundler gem not installed. Run 'gem install bundler first'
Hendriks-MacBook-Pro-2:beanvalidation.org hendrikebbers$ rake preview
bundle exec awestruct -d
/Users/hendrikebbers/git/beanvalidation.org/Rakefile:133: warning: Insecure world writable dir /usr/local in PATH, mode 040777
Using profile: development
Generating site: http://localhost:4242
bundler: failed to load command: awestruct (/Users/hendrikebbers/git/beanvalidation.org/.bundle/ruby/2.0.0/bin/awestruct)
LoadError: Could not open library 'libc.dylib': dlopen(libc.dylib, 5): image not found
  /Users/hendrikebbers/git/beanvalidation.org/_ext/pipeline.rb:3:in `require'
  /Users/hendrikebbers/git/beanvalidation.org/_ext/pipeline.rb:3:in `load_pipeline'
  /Users/hendrikebbers/git/beanvalidation.org/.bundle/ruby/2.0.0/bin/awestruct:23:in `<top (required)>'
rake aborted!
ERROR: Running Awestruct failed.
/Users/hendrikebbers/git/beanvalidation.org/Rakefile:133:in `run_awestruct'
/Users/hendrikebbers/git/beanvalidation.org/Rakefile:61:in `block in <top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => preview
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
Hendriks-MacBook-Pro-2:beanvalidation.org hendrikebbers$ 

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