Cool news!



Am 10.08.2016 um 16:45 schrieb Gunnar Morling <>:

Hi everyone,

I'm very happy to report that the review ballot for the Bean Validation 2.0 JSR proposal was approved by the JCP EC with a great majority [1]!

This means we can get the ball rolling and work towards an early draft of the new spec revision. As described in [2], the schedule is compact and thus we'll need to choose the things to tackle wisely. The most important issue will be making BV fit for Java 8, but we should be able to address some other requests besides that.

The JSR proposal [3] contains a few potential ideas, but I'm very eager to learn about your requests and demands from the field. Anything which helps to further improve usefulness and/or usability of BV is worth discussing.

Note that you don't need to be on the expert group - although you are very welcome to join [7] - in order to contribute. We also value any inputs by non-members on this mailing list, the forum [4] and the issue tracker [5]. The JCP 2.10 rules (under which this JSR operates) foresee the role of "Contributors" which has very low entry barriers.

Before diving into details though, let's have a quick round of introductions so everyone knows who they are dealing with :)

Let me start:

I'm working as a software engineer in the Hibernate team at Red Hat and took over the lead of the BV JSR from Emmanuel Bernard (who will remain active in the EG). In the past I've been contributing to the 1.1 spec (e.g. method validation), worked on the reference implementation Hibernate Validator (which I'm also leading now) and the 1.1 TCK. Besides BV, I'm working on several other projects in the Hibernate universe, most notably Hibernate OGM (providing object mapping via JPA to NoSQL stores) and Hibernate Search (providing full-text search for JPA domain models).

I'm looking forward very much to make BV 2.0 happen together with all of you!

I'll soon start separate thread(s) on some first action items.


PS: Please subscribe to the beanvalidation-dev list [6] if you haven't done so yet; it's where discussions mostly will take place. To be sure I've sent this mail in copy to all those who had signalled an interest in contributing to BV 2.0 beforehand.