
I'm doing some tests with bean validation, and i have some doubts about the behavior of method constraints on inheritance hierarchies.
The specification tells about Liskov substitution, on method constraints within inheritance hierarchies, but i made the test bellow with 
the reference implementation ( hiberante validator 5.1 ), and not understand if this is a bug in implementation or my misunderstanding the specification.

public interface Foo {
     public void doStuff(@NotNull String v);

public class Bar implements Foo {
     public void doStuff(String v) {}

Calling bar.doStuff(null), the validation is not fired.
But if i changed Foo interface to an abstract class, and made Bar extends it, the validation is fired and a ConstraintViolationException is propagated.
The test was done with cdi.

What should be the appropriate behavior?

Denis Tiago