Am 18.07.2012 11:32 schrieb "Hardy Ferentschik" <>:
> On Jul 17, 2012, at 10:42 PM, Gunnar Morling wrote:
> >> Initially I thought about using DefaultConfiguration as an alternative name, but as Emmanuel pointed out in an earlier email it clashes to a certain degree with the programmatic Configuration interface.
> >
> > But does it really clash? IMO Configuration provides a unified way for
> > accessing the effective configuration. It allows to change the
> > configuration in a programmatic way but it could also provide a handle
> > to the default configuration from validation.xml via
> > getDefaultConfiguration().
> >
> > I see there is a clash with getDefaultMessageInterpolator() etc,
> > though (which returns the default implementations as demanded by the
> > spec.), so maybe the method returning the user provided default
> > configuration should be named getExternalDefaultConfiguration(),
> > getBootstrapDefaultConfiguration() or similar.
> That's exactly the clash I am talking about. If we call it _DefaultConfiguration_ and just call the getter
> Configuration#getDefaultConfiguration we have for example Configuration#getDefaultMessageInterpolator, but
> also Configuration#getDefaultConfiguration()#getMessageInterpolatorClassName. IMO that can be misleading.

I see, yes that's definitely sub-optimal.

> One way to avoid this would be to call the accessor #getExternalDefaultConfiguration() or #getBootstrapDefaultConfiguration()
> as you suggest, but then I rather call it BootstrapConfiguration to begin with.

Works both for me.

> I chose XMLConfiguration, because I think it is ok to limit this method to validation.xml. If we really want to keep
> "doors open" I could imagine renaming to BootstrapConfiguration.

+1 Personally, for me the “naming things by semantics“ argument is even more important than leaving doors open. We would just get the latter for free by following the former.

> What do others think?

Yepp, please speak up guys :) Let's bring this to an end.

> --Hardy


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