JBoss-AS-6.0.x-testSuite-sun16 - Build # 920 - Failure:
Check console output at
https://hudson.jboss.org/hudson//job/JBoss-AS-6.0.x-testSuite-sun16/920 to view the
Modifications since last build:
[pgier] Update readme to show that build does not require extra Maven configuration
[pferraro] Obsolete
[pferraro] Add sync, dist named cache configs for web-session and sfsb containers.
[pferraro] Upgrades: ha-server-ispn -> 1.0.0.CR2, ha-server-cache-ispn -> 1.0.0.CR2,
infinispan -> 4.2.0.ALPHA5
[smcgowan(a)redhat.com] JBAS-8574 - correct the repository url for the 2.2.1.CR2 examples
[smarlow(a)REDHAT.COM] JBAS-8556 SSO logging changes, code fix will be in
ha-server-cache-ispn for CR2
[smarlow(a)REDHAT.COM] JBAS-8577 JMXConnector should support jmx-remoting.sar
'jmxconnector' alias
[jhalliday] Update JBossTS to 4.13.1 JBAS-8576
[pferraro] [JBAS-7844] Fix NPE on relinquishing of session ownership mid-shutdown causing
occasional failure of clean shutdown test.
[pferraro] [JBAS-7844] Fix NPE on relinquishing of session ownership mid-shutdown causing
occasional failure of clean shutdown test.
[smcgowan(a)redhat.com] JBAS-8551 - minimize tests.classpath so smoke tests will run on
[smcgowan(a)redhat.com] JBAS-8574
[pferraro] obsolete
[pferraro] obsolete
[pferraro] obsolete
[pferraro] obsolete
[pferraro] obsolete
[pferraro] obsolete
[pferraro] Refactor org.jboss.ejb3.test into org.jboss.test.cluster.ejb3
[smarlow(a)REDHAT.COM] JBAS-8572 use Infinispan instead of JBossCache
[rsvoboda(a)REDHAT.COM] JBQA-3309 JBQA-3753 configurable timeouts for server startup and
shutdown in scripts tests
[smarlow(a)REDHAT.COM] JBAS-8556 keep these fields out of thread cache memory
[pferraro] [JBAS-7837] Replace JBossCache with Infinispan