JBoss-AS-6.0.x-compatibilityMatrix - Build # 519 - Fixed:
Check console output at
https://hudson.jboss.org/hudson//job/JBoss-AS-6.0.x-compatibilityMatrix/519 to view the
Modifications since last build:
[alex.loubyansky(a)jboss.com] JBAS-6348
[wolfc] JBAS-8370: upgrade to jboss-ejb3-embedded 1.0.0-alpha-4
[weston.price(a)jboss.com] [JBAS-8559] Fixed issue with null EnvironmentRefs group reported
by client.
[Jesper Pedersen] [JBAS-8763] Potential dead lock (JMS)
[weston.price(a)jboss.com] [JBAS-8559] Fixed driver class issue.
[Jesper Pedersen] [JBAS-8763] Potential dead lock
[weston.price(a)jboss.com] [JBAS-8559] Adding EARDataSourceDeployer to deployers to handle
data source deployments in application.xml descriptors.
[weston.price(a)jboss.com] [JBAS-8559] General cleanup as well as reverting to local
transactions to satisfy spec requirement of transactional=true. Note, the spec being under
defined as what particular type of transactions are needed (ie local versus XA), this is
simply there to pass the TCK at this point.
[weston.price(a)jboss.com] [JBAS-8559] Addding ApplicationClientDataSourceDeployer. Note,
this requires a client meta data upgrade to complete. For more info see [JBMETA-322]. Also
minor formatting change to EARDataSourceDeployer.