JBoss-AS-6.0.x-testSuite-sun16 - Build # 354 - Failure:
Check console output at
https://hudson.jboss.org/hudson//job/JBoss-AS-6.0.x-testSuite-sun16/354 to view the
Modifications since last build:
[pgier] [JBBUILD-541] Move source directories to match Maven conventions.
[pgier] [JBBUILD-541] Move source directories to match Maven conventions.
[remy.maucherat(a)jboss.com] - Add a WAR specific deployer for annotations.
- This makes things reasonably fast while waiting for an optimized solution.
[remy.maucherat(a)jboss.com] - Handle annotations from "classes". I guess the
order stuff made me forget about that.
- Add the old AnnotationMetaDataDeployer in the web deployer config for now.
- Mark OptAnnotationMetaDataDeployer as needing an update to support Servlet 3.0.