JBoss-AS-6.0.x-testSuite-sun16 - Build # 627 - Failure:
Check console output at
https://hudson.jboss.org/hudson//job/JBoss-AS-6.0.x-testSuite-sun16/627 to view the
Modifications since last build:
[remy.maucherat(a)jboss.com] - Exclude native.
[clebert.suconic(a)jboss.com] just removing a log.info
[thomas.diesler(a)jboss.com] [JBAS-7884] TransactionManager not found after OSGi
[thomas.diesler(a)jboss.com] [JBAS-7661] Integrate JBoss OSGi in AS distribution
After startup, point your browser to
[smarlow(a)redhat.com] JBAS-7874 Change unit tests to use JMXConnectorFactory (instead of
RMIAdaptor) or remove the unit test
[smarlow(a)redhat.com] JBAS-7830 Remove the
jboss.jmx:type=adaptor,name=Invoker,protocol=http,service=proxyFactory object from
[smarlow(a)redhat.com] JBAS-7825 Port Twiddle to JSR-160 changes
[smarlow(a)redhat.com] JBAS-7827 Create a JSR-160 connector server deployment in AS
[mmoyses] JBAS-7881: flag to bypass JBoss authz