I don't believe it is necessary, but most of the other javax.* APIs are available there and was curious if it would make sense to have the CDI APIs available there as well.


Joe Bergmark

From: Bruno Borges <bruno.borges@oracle.com>
To: Pete Muir <pmuir@redhat.com>, Joseph Bergmark/Durham/IBM@IBMUS,
Cc: cdi-dev@lists.jboss.org
Date: 06/14/2013 08:27 AM
Subject: Re: [cdi-dev] cdi 1.1 api on java.net repository

Is it necessary? Why so?

Pete Muir <pmuir@redhat.com> wrote:
Hey Joe,

I don't have access to this repo. They are on maven central, and if JJ could push an exact copy to
java.net, I would be very happy with that.


On 13 Jun 2013, at 18:11, Joseph Bergmark <bergmark@us.ibm.com> wrote:

Are there any plans to push the CDI 1.1 APIs to the java.net maven repository?


Joe Bergmark

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