On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 3:37 AM Antoine Sabot-Durand <antoine@sabot-durand.net> wrote:
After discussing and testing with Martin we discovered that having an Observer with a payload of type Object and an injected parameter that is not BeanManager is not supported.

For instance:
void MyObserver(@Observes Object payload, MyBean bean) { ... )

Which makes sense since with observer resolution rules this observer will be invoked for all Lifecycle events.

Oh, that very specific aspect is an aspect I hadn't considered.  That makes sense.

Your earlier point about how MyBean might not be resolved at invocation time was one I didn't understand.  If I have:

void MyObserver(@Observes @Initialized(ApplicationScoped.class) Object payload, MyBean bean) { ... }

...then surely MyBean would be resolved at this point, by definition?  (I understand you're looking at this specific case, but even more generally here: wouldn't MyBean be guaranteed to be resolved here?)
