+1 saw the same as well working on cdi TCKs + with Instance and Provider not sure splitting it means anything

Romain Manni-Bucau
@rmannibucau |  Blog | Github | LinkedIn | Tomitriber

2015-03-03 14:54 GMT+01:00 Mark Struberg <struberg@yahoo.de>:

I think we currently fail to have a clean notion about what should be a DefinitionException and what should be a DeploymentException.

It seems like most of the TCK in this regard is just modelling Weld behaviour and follows no whatever logic.

E.,g. we have 2 tests doing almost the same:
Which according to the TCK should throw a DefinitionException


which according to the TCK should throw a DeploymentException

But BOTH actually do the same: they test if some managed bean implements Serializable. And both do this during bootstrap.

Am I blind and don’t see the difference, or is all this just madly broken?

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