Hi Guys,

Following CDI-642 and 643 I started to explore place where annotatedType can be used and where we don't provide access to AnnotatedTypeConfigurator [1], I really think we should solve this use case to avoid advanced users frustration discovering a new feature they can use everywhere (that was my case when realised that I could use it in BBD for Qualifier or interceptorBinding addition).

Possible solutions:
1) Add a hook to each of these place to obtain an AnnotatedTypeConfigurator
2) Add BM.createAnnotatypeConfigurator(Class) and BM.createAnnotatedType(ATC)
3) Add a Builder class that would provide a configure method
4) Transform AnnotatedTypeConfigurator into a Builder and simplify SPI using AnnotatedTypeConfigurator.


 [1] Non exhaustive list : 
- BeforeTypeDiscovery for addQualifier and addInterceptorBinding
- UnManaged class
- BeanManager createInjectionTartet and getInjectionTargetFactory or in InjectionTarget
- BeanManager getProducerFactory where a configured AnnotatedField or AnnotatedMethod could be useful