Other Jakarta projects are in need of a Jakarta EE 9 based weld implementation to even compile some aspects of their project it seems. Both Glassfish and Batch have asked about it. We also need it to fully test Hibernate Validator.

I have done another round of updates to new Jakarta EE 9 api releases and updated additional API uses. There are still issues with errors in core and SE tests due to problems with the arquillian weld container that I'll start looking into, but I would like to get a snapshot build out. Is there a CI environment I can use for that?

Current info on the changes and how to build the snapshot:

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] Reactor Summary for Weld Parent 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT:


[INFO] Weld Parent ........................................ SUCCESS [  1.636 s]

[INFO] Weld Implementation (Core) ......................... SUCCESS [  3.756 s]

[INFO] Weld EJB ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.287 s]

[INFO] Weld JSF ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.978 s]

[INFO] Weld JTA ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.182 s]

[INFO] Weld Web ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.906 s]

[INFO] Weld Probe Parent .................................. SUCCESS [  0.107 s]

[INFO] Weld Probe Core .................................... SUCCESS [  2.104 s]

[INFO] Weld Test Utilities ................................ SUCCESS [  0.254 s]

[INFO] weld-probe-tests ................................... SUCCESS [  1.091 s]

[INFO] Weld Core BOM ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.001 s]

[INFO] Weld Unit Tests .................................... SUCCESS [  3.268 s]

[INFO] AtInject TCK runner for Weld ....................... SUCCESS [  1.596 s]

[INFO] Weld Environment Common ............................ SUCCESS [  0.912 s]

[INFO] Weld SE Parent ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.101 s]

[INFO] Weld SE (Core) ..................................... FAILURE [  7.875 s]

[INFO] Weld SE (Uber Jar) ................................. SUCCESS [  0.165 s]

[INFO] Weld SE Tests ...................................... FAILURE [  1.070 s]