Hi Team,

For your information,  you'll find below a copy of the official submission mail sent to the JCP a few minutes ago.

Again thanks to you all for the great work.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Antoine Sabot-Durand <asd@redhat.com>
Date: Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 5:17 PM
Subject: JSR 365 release submit
To: spec-submit@jcp.org


You'll find bellow our final submission for JSR 365 (CDI 2.0). For a possible correction after EC review our deliverables have been called PFD or CR1 but they are in their final form. Also note that for email size limitation or security reason we provide download links instead of attachment for all release elements 
To follow JCP release procedure find a copy of your form below filled with our elements. 

  1. Confirmation that the Expert Group agrees that the JSR is ready to go to Final Release.

    EG have been notified 2 months ago of the release. This announcement raised no disagreement. You'll find the thread in our mailing list in [1]. More recently we discussed within the EG of this current release and next step for CDI [2]

  2. The Final Spec, in pdf or zip format (please note that Javadoc files must be zipped). This will be posted first for the Executive Committee's review in the Final Approval Ballot, then for the community in the Final Release when and if the ballot is approved.

    Find the spec document (zipped pdf) can be downloaded here [3] as well as zipped Javadoc [4]

  3. The answers to the following export questions, supplied separately for each file bundle you wish posted. For instance, if you provide both a specification .pdf document and a .zip archive of javadocs, you would provide two sets of answers to these questions.

    Name of the file: cdi2-spec.pdf.zip (specification document)
    A. Does the specification include software codes
    in the following format:
    Binary : Yes _______ No ___X_______
    Source (compilable) : Yes _______ No _____X_____
    Javadocs : Yes _______ No ____X______
    B. Do the codes or the spec call on, contain, use
    or demonstrate encryption technology?
    Yes _________ No ____X____
    If yes, please describe in detail
    Name of the file: CDI-2_0-PFD-Javadoc.zip (CDI 2.0 api javadoc)
    A. Does the specification include software codes
    in the following format:
    Binary : Yes _______ No ___X_______
    Source (compilable) : Yes _______ No _____X_____
    Javadocs : Yes ___X____ No __________
    B. Do the codes or the spec call on, contain, use
    or demonstrate encryption technology?
    Yes _________ No ____X____
    If yes, please describe in detail
    Name of the file: cdi-api-2.0-PFD.jar (CDI 2.0 api)
    A. Does the specification include software codes
    in the following format:
    Binary : Yes ___X____ No __________
    Source (compilable) : Yes _______ No __________
    Javadocs : Yes _______ No __________
    B. Do the codes or the spec call on, contain, use
    or demonstrate encryption technology?
    Yes _________ No ____X____
    If yes, please describe in detail
    Name of the file: weld-3.0.0.CR1.zip (CDI 2.0 RI)
    A. Does the specification include software codes
    in the following format:
    Binary : Yes ___X____ No __________
    Source (compilable) : Yes _______ No __________
    Javadocs : Yes _______ No __________
    B. Do the codes or the spec call on, contain, use
    or demonstrate encryption technology?
    Yes _________ No ____X____
    If yes, please describe in detail
    Name of the file: cdi-tck-2.0.0.CR1-dist.zip (CDI 2.0 TCK)
    A. Does the specification include software codes
    in the following format:
    Binary : Yes ___X____ No __________
    Source (compilable) : Yes _______ No __________
    Javadocs : Yes _______ No __________
    B. Do the codes or the spec call on, contain, use
    or demonstrate encryption technology?
    Yes _________ No ____X____
    If yes, please describe in detail
  4. The Final Reference Implementation, in .zip format. This will be posted for the Executive Committee's review in the Final Approval Ballot.

    Final RI in zip format is available at [5] it bundles javadoc and API which can also be downloaded separately at [4] and [6]

  5. Confirmation that the Reference Implementation passes the Technology Compatibility Kit.

    Yes RI passes the TCK as shown in coverage doc [9]

  6. The Final Technology Compatibility Kit, in .zip format. This will be posted for the Executive Committee's review in the Final Approval Ballot.

    TCK is available at [7]

  7. The version number of your spec and the full legal name of your company or organization for the specification license. The PMO hosts the Final Approval Ballot for you, and uses Oracle's general Final Release license unless you provide your own Final license.

    Version number: 2.0 Company legal name: Red Hat, Inc.

  8. Checklist transparency

    • Is the schedule for the JSR publicly available, current, and updated regularly?

    Yes on our website http://cdi-spec.org

    • Can the public read and/or write to a wiki for the JSR?

    • Is there a publicly accessible discussion board for the JSR that you read and respond to regularly?

    Yes, the mailing list whose archive and rules to subscribe are accessible here: http://www.cdi-spec.org/mailinglist/
    We are also reachable on IRC : irc://freenode.net/#cdi-dev

    • Have you spoken at conferences and events about the JSR recently?

    Yes : Java One, Devoxx France and Devoxx UK

    • Are you using open-source processes for the development of the RI and/or the TCK?

    Our RI and TCK are developed under Apache Software License 2.0

    • What are the Terms of Use required to use the collaboration tools you have prepared to use with the Expert Group, so that prospective EG members can judge whether they are compatible with the JSPA?

    Mailing list is open to the community. Only EG member can contribute but everybody can bring ideas or comments.

    • What is the location of your publicly-accessible Issue list? In order to enable EC members to judge whether Issues have been adequately addressed, the list must make a clear distinction between Issues that are still open, Issues that have been deferred, and those that are closed, and must indicate the reason for any change of state.

    • What is the mechanism for the public to provide feedback on your JSR?

    Mailing list, IRC and jira

    • Where is the publicly-accessible document archive for your Expert Group?

    • Does the Community tab for my JSR have links to and information about all public communication mechanisms and sites for the development of my JSR?


    • Do you have a Twitter account or other social networking feed which people can follow for updates on your JSR?

    Yes : @cdispec

    • Which specific areas of feedback should interested community members (such as the Adopt-a-JSR program) provide to improve the JSR (please also post this to your Community tab)?

    • Test asynchronous observersl
    • Try using observer ordering
    • Try CDI outside java EE with our new Java SE support
                    • Try new meta data configurator
                    • Read the spec (which has been rewritten) to find any errors

  9. The TCK Coverage Document. This is a one- to two-page summary to assist the EC in evaluating the TCK. Please see more details in the 'Developing TCKs' section of the Spec Lead Guide.

    TCK documentation is available in [7] zip file in "doc" subfolder.
    In addition, to Help EC evaluate TCK coverage we provide an HTML version of the spec with links to TCK tests sources at [13]

  10. The full text of the final licenses for the RI and TCK (and the specification, if you are not using the standard license). 

    RI and TCK are under Apache License, Version 2.0 available at [10]

  11. The process by which qualified individuals, educational and not for profit organizations can access the TCK at no cost.

    TCK is available at no cost under Apache License, Version 2.0 at [7]

  12. The process for making first-level appeals to the tests of the TCK.

    Chapter 2 of TCK doc (available in [7]) details appeals Process. Challenges should be submitted on CDI TCK Jira [11] 

  13. The URL where you will make the Reference Implementation available at Final Release.


  14. The URL where you will make the Technology Compatibility Kit available at Final Release.


  15. The name and contact info of the Maintenance Lead.

    The current spec lead Antoine Sabot-Durand (asd@redhat.org) will continue as a maintenance lead

  16. The first level TCK Appeals Process, per JCP Document section 3.2.2., which handles challenges to the tests in the TCK.

    see 12.

  17. An answer to the question: Can the Specification be implemented independently of the Reference Implementation?

    Yes an implementation by Apache Foundation (OpenWebbeans 2.0) is underway [12]

  18. Additional information
  • CDI 2.0 file descriptor (beans.xml) has been updated and a new xsd file [8] must be available at the following URL http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee/beans_2_0.xsd 
  • Specification document will have a  dual licensing with standard JCP click through license on jcp.org website and Apache License, Version 2.0 on official CDI website download page [14]