Hmm, I suppose it's going to take a little time to get all the permissions squared away.

On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 10:09 AM, Antoine Sabot-Durand <> wrote:
Hi all,

So I created all the documents in Google Drive for the workshop and all the corresponding Epic tickets in Jira. I still have to link existing tickets to these Epic.

Regarding the docs they’re all accessible in this drive folder :
By default you can only read theses doc, if you want to comment them just ask. To make our life simple if you ask for one doc, we’ll give you comment right to all.
Pete and I have edit right on all doc but will play the game and will avoid to write directly and use “suggestion” mode.

Now it’s time to decide if you want to take the lead on one of these workshop. I’ll start a new thread on the subject.


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