Today I realized about the method
java.lang.annotation.Annotation...)' [1], which whas there
from 1.0 version.
After watching CDI 'TypeLiteral' implementation, came a
question to mind to me:
Could be done the same, but *with dynamic class type
And my first google search bring me to a post where a user
told some of the benefits of Guice [2] injection and dynamic
types [3], which was written at 2010, and it covers exactly my
actual needs.
After watching more the 'TypeLiteral' from CDI and how it
is done with Guice, I thought that could be cool to have this
feature in CDI too. I know I can do it for my own project (and
I will) but I have a few questions:
* Should I open an issue at CDI Jira? Or is more a Weld