No, fireAsync is still needed for all the reason we mzntionned - strongest one being the fact we need a return type and cant change fire - but using the return type we have the double activation without introducing a new API. Said otherwise API stays natural on both sides which was my main fear with a fireAsync and an @ObservesAsync (or any other new api we talked about). And we have the bonus to be aligned on SE async which sounds quite interesting for the future.

Le 1 avr. 2015 08:48, "Jozef Hartinger" <> a écrit :
So instead of calling observers asynchronously you suggest turning observers into producers of CompletableFuture that will then be completed asynchronously?

On 03/31/2015 06:21 PM, Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:
// fire side
event.fireAsync(new LetTheWorldKnow()).thenRun(() -> System.out.println("We did it!"));

// observer side
CompletableFuture iWantToKnow(@Observes LetTheWorldKnow event) {}

// impl behavior would be like CompletableFuture.allOf(allObserverReturnedInstances) to be aligned on CompletableFuture behavior I think

Am I clearer?

Romain Manni-Bucau
@rmannibucau |  Blog | Github | LinkedIn | Tomitriber

2015-03-31 18:15 GMT+02:00 Sven Linstaedt <>:
Hi Romain,

I am not sure, I have fully understand how an observer with CompletableFuture could look like. Could you give us an example? 

Afair CompletableFuture was considered to be used in the "trigger" side in order to track async event invocation completion.

br, Sven

2015-03-31 18:00 GMT+02:00 Romain Manni-Bucau <>:
Hi guys,

on async topic if I followed we are at the point where we are looking for an activation on the observer side.

Since Java 8 has now CompletableFuture it would be great to use it. Today the spec doesnt use observer returned values so it is mainly a bad practise to have one even if not strictly forbidden - BTW never saw it in real applications - plus spec is not compatible - not specified at all - with CompletableFuture since it is a new API so we can use it as a marker.

This is quite interesting for few reasons:
1- we have our double activation
2- API is user friendly (observer is async and has an async signature)
3- open door for future async enhancements (hopefully not in CDI) with composition of these observers

Only point I'm not sure is should these observers support sync events. I don't see anything blocking to do it but can have missed something.


Romain Manni-Bucau
@rmannibucau |  Blog | Github | LinkedIn | Tomitriber

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