Not enough person to make a choice. I'll ask for a vote, but 25th is more probable since John can cross the atlantic to meet us...

Le mer. 24 juin 2015 à 16:38, Antonio Goncalves <> a écrit :
Hi all,

Sorry, I couldn't make it yesterday for the meeting (Tuesday 6pm is quite difficult for me :o(   and I was wondering if you had choosen a date : 18th or 25th September ?


On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 3:14 PM, Antoine Sabot-Durand <> wrote:
Hi Guys,

Tomorrow, we really need to close EDR1 a go for submission. It should be possible since our last discussion point is for Request Context behavior in SE.

I’d like also to set the final date of our F2F meeting in Paris (18th or 25th September)

Regarding the spec, I think that it would be nice to go for Quick Win tickets in Jira to have a rhythm change after the big features we worked on since octobre.
It could be great if you could take one or two ticket that you think are quick wins ones and send me them to discuss during the meeting.

What is a quick win ticket?  A ticket that you think obvious and easy to solve regarding adoption of other EG members and way to solve it.

We’ll check during the meeting if your perception of quick win is shared among us ;).

So the agenda is:

1) Closing the EDR1
2) Closing discussion around F2F date
3) Discuss a first list of quick win tickets. Please send your wish list to me


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Antonio Goncalves
Software architect, Java Champion and Pluralsight author

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