This section ( says: "If other beans [other than the BeanManager] are injected into an [portable] extension’s observer methods, non-portable behavior results."

Rephrased: a portable extension's observer methods must have a minimum of one parameter (the event being observed) and a maximum of two parameters (that plus the BeanManager), and none other if you want to stay truly portable.

For true container lifecycle events, I understand this (you don't have beans to inject yet).  But given that a bean must be provided by the container for a portable extension (, wouldn't it be reasonable to permit extra injection points in a portable extension's non-container-lifecycle-event-observing observer methods?

Concretely, I'd like to do this:

  // In my portable extension
  private static final void doSomethingAtStartup(@Observes @Initialized(ApplicationScoped.class) final Object event, final Frobnicator someBean) {

...but that would seem to be in violation of the specification.  Could someone kindly explain why?
