Pete you're right, this approach is dangerous when writing unambiguous spec.


Dne 18.10.2011 15:33, Pete Muir napsal(a):
That's a dangerous approach, as it means we introduce possible confusion with two pieces of text saying the same thing.

I don't think the sentence needs extensive rephrasing, just a new structure to avoid it being quite so unwieldy to read...

On 18 Oct 2011, at 14:31, Martin Kouba wrote:

I would not reword it but instead extend the original text with something like Rick's proposal and beginning with "In other words...".

There may be people who already spent a lot of time trying to understand that sentence and they would be dissapointed that their favorite sentence disappeared and the new text to explore is here :-).

Also the meaning of the sentence is ok IMO. 


Dne 18.10.2011 15:17, Pete Muir napsal(a):
Yeah, this should be split out into lists.

Can you file a CDI issue, I will try to reword without changing the meaning.

On 18 Oct 2011, at 08:12, Rick Hightower wrote:

I think the gist of it is as follows:

Inheritance of Member-level inheritance...

•Injected fields are inherited
•Initializer methods, non-static observers, @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy are inherited, but can be overridden
•Interceptors are inherited can be overridden
•Producers, consumers are not inherited

Check out this working from Section 4.2....

"If X is a generic type, and an injection point, producer method, producer field, disposer method or observer method de- clared by X is inherited by Y, and the declared type of the injection point, producer method, producer field, disposed para- meter or event parameter contains type variables declared by X, the type of the injection point, producer method, producer field, disposed parameter or event parameter inherited in Y is the declared type, after substitution of actual type arguments declared by Y or any intermediate class that is a subclass of X and a superclass of Y."

That is not a paragraph... that is one sentence. 

Rick Hightower
(415) 968-9037 

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Martin Kouba
JBoss Quality Assurance Engineer 


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