We're making some really great progress on the query and search features.  I just committed a change that fully implements and integrates the JCR interfaces related to querying.  Note, however, that the underlying connectors do not yet support queries or searches, so it's still not yet possible to run queries or searches via JCR.  That's what I'll be working on next.

But I thought you might be interested to hear what the feature will look like to a JCR client.

Our implementation of javax.jcr.query.QueryManager supports three languages: 

Our implementation simply delegates down to the Graph API, via new 'query(...)' and 'search(...)' method.  The Graph implementation uses our QueryEngine to do the planning, validation, optimization, and processing, though right now the connectors only have to implement what we call "access queries", which are the low-level simple queries involving a single table.  Criteria that can be pushed down will be pushed down, but the graph query engine will implement any JOINs, UNIONS, INTERSECTs, EXCEPTs, or application of criteria involving results from multiple access queries.  We plan to improve on this over time to push more and more of the queries down to the connectors, based upon connector capabilities.  Connectors will even be able to embed an instance of our QueryEngine to get full-blow query planning, validation, optimization, and processing capabilities.

So, once again, my next step is to embed the SearchEngine implementation (which uses Lucene as the default provider) into the connectors.  At that point, we should have query and search functionality.  We're getting really close!

Best regards,
