Author: ozizka(a)
Date: 2009-07-30 14:46:53 -0400 (Thu, 30 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 635
* EarTest#testEarDeployFineThenRedeployMalformedDescriptor() updated.
Modified: trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/app/ear/
--- trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/app/ear/ 2009-07-30
16:43:44 UTC (rev 634)
+++ trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/as5/app/ear/ 2009-07-30
18:46:53 UTC (rev 635)
@@ -185,10 +185,11 @@
* 1) Deploy a valid EAR with a war in it (to check it's functionality).
- * 2) In the Control tab, update it with an EAR with malformed descriptor.
+ * 2) In the Content tab, update it with an EAR with malformed descriptor.
* 3) Check that the error message contains "***** ROLLED BACK TO ORIGINAL
* 4) Check that the embedded WAR works to verify the rollback.
+ * FAILS: EMBJOPR-226; Should be fixed in trunk.
public void testEarDeployFineThenRedeployMalformedDescriptor() throws IOException,
EmbJoprTestException {
@@ -207,11 +208,17 @@
// Redeploy new version with malformed application.xml in the Content tab.
+ // Has to have the same name -> copy to a tmp dir.
earFilePath = ejtt.getTestDataDir() + "/ear/"+DEPLOYABLE_2_NAME;
String tmpFilePath = ejtt.getTempDir()+'/'+DEPLOYABLE_NAME;
FileUtils.copyFile( new File(earFilePath), new File(tmpFilePath) );
- ejtt.deployment.deployViaEmbJopr(APP_TYPE, tmpFilePath);
+ // Fill the upload input and click the update button.
+ ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getFirstTable().getFirstLinkContaining(
+ ejtt.getTabMenu().clickContentTab();
+ ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getFirstFileInput().setValueAttribute(
earFilePath );
+ ejtt.getTabMenu().getTabContentBox().getButtonByLabel("Update").click();
// We should get an error message.
checkClientAndServerMessages("Failed to update", "Failed to
update", true);
Modified: trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/util/
trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/util/ 2009-07-30
16:43:44 UTC (rev 634)
trunk/jsfunit/src/test/java/org/jboss/jopr/jsfunit/util/ 2009-07-30
18:46:53 UTC (rev 635)
@@ -744,15 +744,20 @@
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ public interface HtmlElementBacked {
+ public HtmlElement getElement();
+ public HtmlAnchor getFirstLinkContaining();
+ }
* Inner class for manipulation with tab content box.
- public class TabContentBox extends PageAware {
+ public class TabContentBox extends PageAware /*implements HtmlElementBacked*/ {
private HtmlElement element;
public HtmlElement getElement() { return element; }
@@ -996,6 +1001,14 @@
+ /** Returns first file upload input. */
+ public HtmlFileInput getFirstFileInput(){
+ String xPath = ".//input[ contains( @type, 'file') and position() = 1
+ return (HtmlFileInput) this.getElement().getFirstByXPath(xPath);
+ }
}// inner class TabContentBox
@@ -1073,6 +1086,8 @@
private Map<String, Integer> colIndexes = null;
//private boolean analyzedButNotFound = false;
* Return the table cell given by the row and column.
@@ -1085,6 +1100,16 @@
return tableCell.asText();
+ /** Returns first link containing given text. */
+ public HtmlAnchor getFirstLinkContaining( String label ){
+ String xPath = ".//a[ contains( normalize-space(), '"+label+"')
and position() = 1 ]";
+ return (HtmlAnchor) this.getElement().getFirstByXPath(xPath);
+ }
* Returns the first row that contains given text, or throws
* @param text
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