Bootstrap responsive UI combined with Errai UI works very well. I've used this in a few demos already actually.

On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 3:10 AM, Erik Jan de Wit <> wrote:
Hi all,

When errai is going to make development on mobile phones easier, then one thing it should definitely support is responsive layout. Than means that when the screen sizes get smaller that the display changes accordingly. Normally these things are done in css so one could argue that, because of the way that errai is decoupling ui from the gwt components that we can leave this to who ever is designing the front-end.

Another option is to take the twitter bootstrap approach and have some sort of framework to support building responsive layouts. The way that bootstrap does it is that they have columns that when the display gets smaller they start making the columns smaller and in the end place them under each other. On top of that they have build some pre defined css classes that will make elements visible or invisible on certain device types.

What we can do is create column gwt components and add the css to make it work. Then the user can bind different divs to the various columns and things get aligned when the view gets smaller.


What do you think, any other ideas?

Erik Jan

errai-dev mailing list

Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."