I like the idea of enriching the bundles in this way for programmatic lookup. It's simpler than the alternative of doing something like GWTs built-in message support using interfaces:

Yes, our IDE won't help us detecting invalid keys but we can still fail at compile time and add tooling support for it later. We'd probably need to implement some of GWTs message features though like message arguments.

So, that a translation value (e.g. "inbox-messages") could be:
"You have {0} unread messages in your inbox"
"Sie haben {0} ungelesene Nachrichten in Ihrer Inbox"

and we can then look up the value using:
translationService.getTranslation("inbox-messages", 47);


On 2013-04-09, at 2:59 PM, Eric Wittmann <eric.wittmann@redhat.com> wrote:

I was working on the s-ramp browser UI some more today, and encountered
a case where I need non-template translations.

I have a client-side only notification service (basically an
@ApplicationScoped service that can be used to growl at the user).  When
various application events occur, I will use the notification service to
pop up a growl.  The title and message is different based on the
context.  It's basically stuff like "Hey, I just did this for you." or
"Oh no, something you did caused an error." or "Please wait while I do
this thing for you...".

In these cases the growl widget is templated, but the title and body
will be replaced with data passed in.  That data originates on the
client-side but *not* from a template.

Some thoughts on possible ways to address this issue:

1) @Inject the TranslationService and simply call "translate" directly.
  a) ok great, but what key do I use, and how does that key get
included in the bundle(s)?
  b) Create a new annotation to somehow indicate additional keys that
should be translated, along with default values?

Something like this perhaps:

class MyService {
  @Inject @Translations({
    @Translation(key="growl-title", defaultValue="Hey Dude!"),
    @Translation(key="growl-message", defaultValue="This thing you care
about just happened..."),
  private TranslationService translationService;

  public void someMethod() {
    String translatedValue =
    // Do something with it

Verbose but effective.  The bundle would then be generated to include
MyService.growl-title and MyService.growl-message.

Thoughts?  Is there another way to solve this use case?


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