Hi Erik,

Your LocationAwareClientMessageBus actually fixes an existing problem we have only partially addressed so far: Setting the remote bus endpoint programatically (see https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ERRAI-380). 

So, I think we could even add this to the ClientMessageBusImpl directly and default to getApplicationRoot() if no custom Configuration was found. 


Making gwt-phonegap a dependency of errai-cordova sounds fine to me. Example setups and demos could also live under errai-cordova/demos. That's how we set it up for errai-bus/errai-cdi/ etc.


On 2012-12-11, at 11:09 AM, Erik Jan de Wit <erikjan.dewit@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

I've created an initial branch with the changes needed to make errai work with cordova. I also have an example setup on how to use this, but I don't know where to put it (I guess that jboss-jdf would be a place for this?)

With regards to the cordova gwt wrappers there is already an open source project that has done this: http://code.google.com/p/gwt-phonegap/ should I make it a dependency of errai-cordova?

Erik Jan

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