
Having trouble with TheStore app. Ran mvn clean install in the parent directory. Switched to the samples/TheStrore directory and ran mvn gwt:run. The login box comes up then the screen goes blank. There is an error in the Jetty console as follows:

00:00:19.021 [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/home/jdestef/workspaces/workspace-errai-bus/samples/TheStore/war/WEB-INF/classes/org/jboss/errai/demo/thestore/client/modules/MailSender.java'
00:00:19.021  [ERROR] Line 30: The import org.jboss.errai.workspaces.client.svc cannot be resolved
00:00:19.021  [ERROR] Line 33: The type MailSender must implement the inherited abstract method WSComponent.getWidget(WidgetCallback)
00:00:19.021  [ERROR] Line 59: Shoutbox cannot be resolved to a type
