Hi Guys,

Having a hard time getting my app deployed to JBoss 5.10. I had issues with the servlet api being part of gwt-user.jar. I removed that package from the jar and got a little further. Now I' getting the following:

** It appears something has been incorrectly configured. In order to use ErraiBus
** on JBoss, you must ensure that you are using the APR connector. Also make sure
** hat you have added these lines to your WEB-INF/web.xml file:
**                                              ---
**    <servlet>
**        <servlet-name>JBossErraiServlet</servlet-name>
**        <servlet-class>org.jboss.errai.bus.server.servlet.JBossCometServlet</servlet-class>
**        <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
**    </servlet>
**    <servlet-mapping>
**        <servlet-name>JBossErraiServlet</servlet-name>
**        <url-pattern>*.erraiBus</url-pattern>
**    </servlet-mapping>
**                                              ---
** If you have the following lines in your WEB-INF/web.xml, you must comment or remove them:
**                                              ---
**    <listener>
**        <listener-class>org.jboss.errai.bus.server.ErraiServletConfig</listener-class>
**    </listener>

I have the JBossCometServlet servlet configured as above. How do I configure the AS to use the APR connector? Is there any documentation on how to configure an Errai application with the JBossErraiServlet?
I'm using the 1.1 snap shot. Also, what versions of JBoss have you guys used for testing?
