It *should* be enforcing @RequireAuthentication and @RequireRoles ... let me look into it on my side.
On 2010-02-10, at 1:43 PM, Kevin Jordan wrote:

I’m wondering how authentication works (or is supposed to work) in Errai.  It seems from what I can gather, you’re supposed to use doAuthentication in the SecurityService, however, even if my custom AuthenticationAdapter does nothing as it currently does (I was curious to see if I could get Spring Security authentication information using it to pass it on since I can’t seem to in my services, which I can’t in there either), but nothing calls isAuthenticated or anything related to it later on even if I have @RequireAuthentication or @RequireRoles on my services.  In fact, it lets me call the services even though as far as I think Errai knows, it should have no authentication principals or roles.  Is Authentication incomplete at this point in time?  At this time, I’m not requiring/needing the annotations, but I do want to get my login information from Spring Security.    I would normally do it in the context of a servlet or jsp as:
           try {
                SecurityContext context = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
                Object principal = null;
                User user = null;
                if (context != null) {
                     Authentication auth = context.getAuthentication();
                     if (auth != null) {
                           principal = auth.getPrincipal();
                           if (principal instanceof User) {
                                user = (User) principal;
                           } else {
                                logger.debug("Principal is null or not a User");
                     } else {
                           logger.debug("No authentication");
                } else {
                     logger.debug("No context");
           } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Error", e);
However, that doesn’t seem to work, probably because it can’t access the ThreadLocal since I’m assuming most things in Errai, especially services, get a new Thread?  Is there any way for me to access the remote user from the servlet?  I doubt services get a link to the requesting servlet, correct?
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