Is it possible to put the SecurityContext in the session, than then use a custom SessionProvider to inject that context into Errai's QueueSession?

On 2010-02-18, at 1:04 PM, Kevin Jordan wrote:

I think DefaultBlockingServlet would work since it’s not a CometProcessor.  However, at least in Jetty and I think it was this way in Tomcat as well, the AsyncDispatcher removes my SecurityContext from the current thread so I’m no longer able to access my user’s authentication information, even though I have it set to go into child threads.
I’m not happy with the solution, but have to do what I can right now to make forward progress.  We won’t have many users on right now since it’s still in development so we’re not quite worried about not having AsyncDispatcher right now.  
My feeling is that Errai should be able to take advantage of any existing login mechanisms and not remove any contexts from the existing thread if possible since Spring Security also provides authorization mechanisms that  might be used outside of an Errai service, or even within it.
From: Heiko Braun [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 10:21 AM
To: Kevin Jordan
Cc: 'Mike Brock';
Subject: Re: [errai-users] Errai Authentication
hm, doesn't sound like an easy thing todo.
If running with the default blocking servlet, would that prevent it from breaking spring security?
or is it related to the async dispatcher? 
are you happy with the solution?
On Feb 18, 2010, at 5:14 PM, Kevin Jordan wrote:

Well, I solved my issue with this, although it wasn’t easy.  I ended up switching to Jetty.  The problem was two things, Spring Security isn’t capable of protecting comet connections on Tomcat since it doesn’t have a filter that implements CometFilter.  Switching to Jetty fixed this since it doesn’t have any such thing.  Also, the AsyncDispatcher will likely interrupt Spring Security’s SecurityContext since I had to disable that on Jetty.
From: Kevin Jordan [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 4:34 PM
To: 'Mike Brock'
Cc: ''
Subject: RE: [errai-users] Errai Authentication
What is it that makes it not possible for me to do this?  I assume that another Thread is spawned for the @Service since the POST that executes it is able to close.  Why am I not able to access the parent thread data (i.e. the web server thread where the Spring Security data lives) via an InheritedThreadLocal?
From: Mike Brock [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 11:49 AM
To: Kevin Jordan
Subject: Re: [errai-users] Errai Authentication
Ah yes, that's definitely a bug.   I'll fix that immediately (rules not being applied to RPC endpoints).
I'll think about what I can do with the SessionProvider stuff to make it easier to expose these things as needed.  
On 2010-02-11, at 12:27 PM, Kevin Jordan wrote:


Yes.  I was trying to avoid having to pass the username to the server when it should already know it.
And actually I guess @RequiredAuthentication might be working, just on a regular @Service implementing MessageCallback, but not for RPC.
From: Mike Brock [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:43 AM
To: Kevin Jordan
Subject: Re: [errai-users] Errai Authentication
You've implemented an AuthenticationAdapter for SpringSecurity?
There's really no way of doing it unless you were to implement your own SessionProvider... even then you could only copy in information from the HTTPSession. 
Party of the reason we separated these concerns so aggressively was so we could run ErraiBus in something like Netty... without a Servlet container.  I'm certainly open to ideas as to how we can improve this situation to satisfy a case like yours. 
On 2010-02-11, at 11:29 AM, Kevin Jordan wrote:

Any ideas why I wouldn’t be able to access Spring Security information from inside it?  It uses ThreadLocal ( for access to the session/login information.  I also tried making it use an InheritableThreadLocal ( holder strategy for the SecurityContext seen below, but it doesn’t seem to be able to get it through that either.
From: Mike Brock [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:16 AM
To: Kevin Jordan
Subject: Re: [errai-users] Errai Authentication
It *should* be enforcing @RequireAuthentication and @RequireRoles ... let me look into it on my side.
On 2010-02-10, at 1:43 PM, Kevin Jordan wrote:

I’m wondering how authentication works (or is supposed to work) in Errai.  It seems from what I can gather, you’re supposed to use doAuthentication in the SecurityService, however, even if my custom AuthenticationAdapter does nothing as it currently does (I was curious to see if I could get Spring Security authentication information using it to pass it on since I can’t seem to in my services, which I can’t in there either), but nothing calls isAuthenticated or anything related to it later on even if I have @RequireAuthentication or @RequireRoles on my services.  In fact, it lets me call the services even though as far as I think Errai knows, it should have no authentication principals or roles.  Is Authentication incomplete at this point in time?  At this time, I’m not requiring/needing the annotations, but I do want to get my login information from Spring Security.    I would normally do it in the context of a servlet or jsp as:
           try {
                SecurityContext context = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
                Object principal = null;
                User user = null;
                if (context != null) {
                     Authentication auth = context.getAuthentication();
                     if (auth != null) {
                           principal = auth.getPrincipal();
                           if (principal instanceof User) {
                                user = (User) principal;
                           } else {
                                logger.debug("Principal is null or not a User");
                     } else {
                           logger.debug("No authentication");
                } else {
                     logger.debug("No context");
           } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Error", e);
However, that doesn’t seem to work, probably because it can’t access the ThreadLocal since I’m assuming most things in Errai, especially services, get a new Thread?  Is there any way for me to access the remote user from the servlet?  I doubt services get a link to the requesting servlet, correct?
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