JBossESB and spring.esb: Some Newbie Questions
by Thomas Woehlke
Hi ESB-Users,
i am very new to JBossESB and in my first Customer-Project.
I have some Experience with EJB3 on JBossAS and SpringFramework and some
proprietary Integration-Solitions before, so I got these first Questions.
I am really a Newbie and JBossESB is really complex.
So if the Questions might be some kind of stupid, please be patient.
And instead of sending RTFM or so, please just send an RTFM with URL and
maybe some explanatory words.
So here are the Questions:
1. How to setup data-sources for use with spring.esb and persistence.xml/JPA
How can I setup an Entity Manager or Entity Manager Factory with
persistence.xml for use within Spring-Services/Spring-Actions?
2. How to use AspectJ?
What is to be taken care of, when using AspectJ (part of spring.esb
libs) inside Spring/Spring-Actions?
3. How deal with Transactions and more than one DataSource?
A General Problem with Spring is the use of more than one DB Data Source
together with JTA?
How do I cope with this in Spring.esb/Spring-Actions?
4. How to deal with Interfaces to External Systems? JTA? JCA?
If I have some own Interface-Classes to External Systems. Is it a good
idea to make them JTA- and JCA-compliant?
5. How to setup a common core for OODM?
If I use Maven2 as part of my Build-System, and want to have an own
Module/Subproject for Something like an OODM for my canonical Datamodell
or in case, I have to have a DB-Storage in my ESB-Application:
What must I take into consideration from JBossESB point of view to setup
this OODM-Module and use this in Spring-Actions as well as in some
webapps (war-targets)?
6. How to setup a common core for Interfaces shared between Services,
e.g. Message-Structures.
Analogue to 5./OODM I would like to have a maven-module for Interfaces,
Enums etc. shared between ESB-Services and therefore also shared between
their maven-modules:
What must I take into consideration from JBossESB point of view to setup
this OODM-Module and use this in Spring.esb-Actions as well as in some
webapps (war-targets)?
7. How to use SpringMVC as war-webapp on JBossESB?
What must I take into consideration from JBossESB point of view to use
Spring MVC in some webapps (war-targets)?
What issues are there with Security? Is it possible to Spring Webflow
instead of Seam (if there might be reasons to do so by organisational
8. How to use EJB3 on JBossESB?
Can I Use EJB3 on JBossESB anf if yes: What must I do, to build and
deploy and ejb3-jar and use it this in Spring.esb-Actions as well as in
some webapps (war-targets)?
9. How to use Scala instead of groovy for Data-Transformation?
I found a good support for groovy. Is there any support for using Scala,
e.g. for Data-Transformation?
I am looking forward to your answers.
Thank You in Advance.
With kind regards from Berlin, Germany
Thomas Woehlke
14 years, 7 months