MP1 schedule
by Mark Little
Just a reminder that we're hoping to code freeze MP1 on the 18th of
March and release it on the 26th of March.
17 years, 12 months
ESB Help in web application
by piku mishra
Hi Techies,
I have started working on Jboss ESB. I am able to run the sample application
provided by Jboss. However can anybody tell me, how to integrate ESB in a
very small application. My requirement is very simple. I have a small text
field in the JSP page. I will write some String
message. That String message will be sent as a Message and it will
communicate with ESB and a new response will be generated and I will display
the newly generated message in the jsp page. For example If I give the
String as "Piku Mishra is a Software Engineer", a message will be generated
from the server side that "Who is Piku Mishra" and I will display this
String or Text message in the JSP page. It needs the whole cycle of ESB. I
need the jboss-gateway.xml and jboss-listener.xml configuration to send a
message and get back a different message in a different queue. More
specifically I will send a message in a Queue called Queue/SendingQueue and
I will get the response from the Queue ie Queue/ResponseQueue. I need it in
a web application so that everything I will deploy as a .war file in jboss.
Piku Mishra
Senior System Engineer,
Bangalore .
18 years
Re: [esb-issues] JBossESBs over TCP/IP
by Mark Little
In which case you should be able to use the HTTP listener. It was
developed in the 4.0 beta release but has not been updated with the
recent architectural changes for 4.0 GA. That's on the roadmap (one
of the community members is looking at it). When would you need to
have this capability in place?
On 1 Mar 2007, at 14:42, Ashish Rajhansha wrote:
> This is the protocol stack we are planning to use for this
> architecture. As per the initial architecture (also attached with
> this mail just in case others haven't received it) the custom
> Gateways between the ESBs do communicate over TCP/IP using HTTP/s
> (Inorder to support JMS).
> Ashish
> On 3/1/07, Mark Little <mlittle(a)> wrote:
> Can you connect them using HTTP, or FTP? Does it have to be raw TCP/
> IP?
> Mark.
> On 1 Mar 2007, at 14:18, Ashish Rajhansha wrote:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Ashish Rajhansha < ashish.rajhansha(a)>
>> Date: Mar 1, 2007 12:49 PM
>> Subject: JBossESBs over TCP/IP
>> To: esb-issues(a)
>> Hi,
>> My company has several heterogeneous applications deployed at
>> different sites around the globe and we are aiming at integrating
>> these using ESB. The architecture will involve JBossESBs at each
>> site running on clustered JBoss AS with HA-JBossMQ(moving onto
>> JBoss Messaging when its released). The sites will use custom
>> Gateways for communication between the JBossESBs in order to
>> achieve complete integration. The architecture is aims at
>> supporting any future applications added as services. The new
>> services will be ESB aware and hence will be just plug into the
>> ESBs. Please find the architecture as attachment.
>> Question - What is the most efficient way to integrate JBossESBs
>> on different sites (only communication available is TCP/IP) so
>> that applications plugged into any of them can provide services to
>> any other application anywhere on the infrastructure preferably
>> without exposing the JNDI globally.
>> Regards,
>> Ashish
>> <Discussion only.jpg>
>> _______________________________________________
>> esb-issues mailing list
>> esb-issues(a)
> <Protocol Stack.jpg>
> <Discussion only.jpg>
18 years
Re: [esb-issues] JBossESBs over TCP/IP
by Mark Little
Taking this to the ESB-Users mailing list, since the issues list is
meant for JIRA issue tracking. If you are not subscribed to the users
list, please take a minute to do so.
On 1 Mar 2007, at 14:31, Mark Little wrote:
> Can you connect them using HTTP, or FTP? Does it have to be raw TCP/
> IP?
> Mark.
> On 1 Mar 2007, at 14:18, Ashish Rajhansha wrote:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Ashish Rajhansha <ashish.rajhansha(a)>
>> Date: Mar 1, 2007 12:49 PM
>> Subject: JBossESBs over TCP/IP
>> To: esb-issues(a)
>> Hi,
>> My company has several heterogeneous applications deployed at
>> different sites around the globe and we are aiming at integrating
>> these using ESB. The architecture will involve JBossESBs at each
>> site running on clustered JBoss AS with HA-JBossMQ(moving onto
>> JBoss Messaging when its released). The sites will use custom
>> Gateways for communication between the JBossESBs in order to
>> achieve complete integration. The architecture is aims at
>> supporting any future applications added as services. The new
>> services will be ESB aware and hence will be just plug into the
>> ESBs. Please find the architecture as attachment.
>> Question - What is the most efficient way to integrate JBossESBs
>> on different sites (only communication available is TCP/IP) so
>> that applications plugged into any of them can provide services to
>> any other application anywhere on the infrastructure preferably
>> without exposing the JNDI globally.
>> Regards,
>> Ashish
>> <Discussion only.jpg>
>> _______________________________________________
>> esb-issues mailing list
>> esb-issues(a)
> _______________________________________________
> esb-issues mailing list
> esb-issues(a)
18 years